Finding the Common Ground

It is plainly evident that our country is not headed towards, but already engaged in Culture War. Many will use the words “Liberal vs. Conservative” or “Tolerant vs. Intolerant” and even “Loving vs. Hateful”…. But none of these are correct… Not really.

Can we just call it what it is?

Good vs. Evil? No …

Right vs. Wrong? No…

It’s Human vs.Human… Here is why.

With  the onslaught of so-called “Human Rights Issues” at the center of this war, one view or belief opposed to another  are the grounds for battle and words are the weapons of choice (for the time being anyway). One group believes one doctrine or philosophy, while the other believes differently and by and large the conflict, no matter how large an convoluted it has become really boils down to one single point of focus –

Conform to my way or you are  “_____________________”

Agree with me or you are “__________________”

If you believe “_________________” then it means “____________________”

You fill in these blanks with whatever misdefined words you’d like, they all fit – Bigot , Intolerant , Hateful or my personal all time fave is when you take the beginning of any word to indicate behavior of a person and then just add “phobic ” to the end of it to imply that in some way I am terrified of this person or the implications of what accepting this behavior would mean.

(I began to type “childish” next, but I don’t want to insult innocent children.)

Ridiculous. This term is more fitting. It is absolutely ridiculous that we reduce human beings down to a label by using a word  targeted to  affect them and essentially  provoke the reaction. A ridiculous part of that formula is that fact that in almost every case these words are used incorrectly when doing so!

Example – “Bigot”

noun  –   a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions
So, if logic is applied  – wouldn’t a person labeling another this for having a different view or belief than his own also be guilty? 
Example – “Intolerant”
adjective  –   not tolerant of views, beliefs, or behavior that differ from one’s own.
So again, if logic is applied  – wouldn’t a person labeling another this for having a different view or belief than his own also be guilty?
One more..
Example – “_________phobic”
phobic – See phobia
A phobia is a type of anxiety disorder, usually defined as a persistent fear of an object or situation in which the sufferer commits to great lengths in avoiding, typically disproportional to the actual danger posed, often being recognized as irrational.
Again, apply logic…. Would one who vehemently names some as phobic not also be guilty of being phobic to the view of the other?
Surely, you see my point.
For every misuse of these misdefined words(and so many others not listed) , we perpetuate war that will ONLY PUSH US FARTHER from the “so-called ” goal that is touted by both sides in this-
UNITY will NEVER be reached.
PEACE will NEVER be attained.
You see, we are failing to see the common-ground we all share, and prefer to use it for a battle-ground – We are all human.
Each of us are human and whether you are like me , a believer in God as creator and lover of the creation or a devout Atheist that believes the opposite  – the one thing neither of us can escape is the common ground we both possess – We are BOTH human and both valuable.
The point of this article is not to try to convert you to my beliefs. While that is what I will always do for someone who is searching  , I can also recognize that  many are NOT searching and no matter how much my heart may ache for you, I can not and should not force MY faith on YOU. Doing so negates free will and the very premise on which I act and believe.
However, believing something differently than me doesn’t require me to hate you.
No, truthfully  – If I really care like my beliefs teach that I should , hating you would be counter productive.
However  – not approving of your actions is completely acceptable and by fair contrast – also acceptable for you to not approve of mine! The mind-blowing part of it all, is that neither of us has to hate each other for it!
Whoa – what a concept!
The freedom that this country grants us in part is the freedom to believe what we choose. For me  – my standard is the Bible because I believe it is God’s word and therefore, I want to follow it through and through.
You may not.
So rather than label you, provoke you, or malign you  – I will recognize that you are human and prone to error – just as I am and maybe someday, some way – we can meet in the common ground of humanity and have an intelligent conversation about our differences and behave like … Well, HUMANs.
I’ll be praying for us all.2015-06-05-bigot6
Photo credit –




Lying , Justifying and the Lesser of Two Evils.

I’m not gonna lie.

What a strange phrase!? Yet I  , and the majority of people I know say it. Its almost as if  we are saying ” Normally at this point , I would belying to you -But right now I’m telling the truth”.. Putting it this way sounds completely absurd and I sometimes put things in absurd terms to help me to think about them- as absurd as THAT sounds.  The truth is (and there is another one) , I would hope that we are ALWAYS honest with each other , striving to not only seek the truth but to espouse it in all that we say and do.. But often , probably too often – we allow ourselves to be deceived and believe a lie or worse – we lie to ourselves… Why?

In my past , I struggled with the truth. I can easily tell you that it was a defense mechanism or a means of escape and while there is  SOME truth in those claims – its not the ENTIRE truth of the matter… And that’s the point. Sometimes we would much rather just have a little of the truth than ALL of it – Again I ask ,why? For the same reason that I struggled with telling the truth in my past – SELFISHNESS.

We as humans will often take the path of least resistance. We want to do the right thing ,but too often don’t want the work that comes with it. In this type of mindset we will look for justification .. Justification keeps us from feeling guilty about not doing the work and we feel better about ourselves. The root of the problem is not in the justification(although that is still a problem) but in the cause of it. Almost every lie carries with it a portion of the truth – sometimes its a small detail , other times its most of the story – either way, in the portion of truth – there lies our justification… So which is worse? A little truth in the lie, or a little lie in the truth?

Before you answer let me ask a different way- Lets say your making a cake . Your kitchen window is open because the spring weather outside is beautiful . As your are mixing the cake batter , a bird flies by and does what comes natural to him and drops his excrement and it lands on the window sill and in turn, a small amount splashes into your cake mix. What do you do? After all – it is just a small amount of bird poop ,and in the grand scheme of things – who will know? The heat from the oven should cook out the impurities and besides , you have worked SO hard on this cake it would be a real shame and a lot of work to throw it away and start over…

My hope is that you saw the absurdity in this description but also recognized the Progression of Justification. Sadly ,This seems to be the American mentality when it comes to the truth. We would rather believe that the cake is unaffected my the smallest impurity rather than toss the whole thing away. “The Greater Good” and “The Lesser of Two Evils” have become our “go-to” phrases when it comes to The Progression of Justification and we absolutely relish in these 2 phrases because it makes us feel GOOD about making a BAD choice.. But I have to ask , How much bird poop has to be in something before YOU wont eat it?

I hope your answer is NONE.

The truth is , When choosing the lesser of two evils , EVIL is still chosen…

So my final question is , What are you prepared to do about it?

Count the cost before you answer…they are high and great.. But absolutely worth it. There is no substitute for the truth..Nor a substitute for the one who gave it. If ANYTHING is true -its in God’s word . Jesus tells us plainly in John 14:15 ” If you love me , keep my commands.” .. Surely he didn’t mean just the ones that are convenient for you to keep , but ALL of them.

Stand Firm.

Tell the matter the consequence.

The invitation to study the bible is STILL open..   😉

Read  2 Thessalonians 2 :1-17…Yes, the whole chapter..  😉

A much needed 2×4 to the face..

There’s a Hole in my Sidewalk“, by Portia Nelson

Chapter 1.

I walk down the street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I fall in.
I am lost…
I am helpless.
It isn’t my fault.
It takes forever to find a way out.

Chapter 2.

I walk down the same street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I pretend I don’t see it.
I fall in again.
I cant believe I am in this same place.
But it isn’t my fault.
It still takes a long time to get out.

Chapter 3.

I walk down the same street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I see it is there.
I still fall in… its a habit.
But, my eyes are open.
I know where I am.
It is my fault.
I get out immediately.

Chapter 4.

I walk down the same street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I walk around it.

Chapter 5.

I walk down another street.


A punch in the gut… That’s probably the best way to describe it. I read so many posts here and that is the overwhelming feeling that I’m left with from most of them – a winded and slightly sick feeling .. The kind that comes from a blindsided sucker punch that only a COWARD could deliver…

I believe the Bible word for word… I believe it says exactly what it says , NO EXCEPTIONS … and I do my best EVERYDAY to live those things out to the best of my ability and then at the end of the day get down on my FACE and my thank my creator that his grace can fill in the gaps that my faults create…

I believe…and it demands something from me.

In Mathew 28:18-20 it says “  And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. “GO” therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in  the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe ALL that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”… It doesn’t say “preacher go” – it simply says “GO“…  So I GO... I go seeking  “The Honest Hearts” who are seeking the truth..

But this is what I mostly find –

The “Angry Hearts” who would rather lash out with malcontent than accept an honest gesture…“The Antagonist” who believes that acting like an Atheist makes him cool and edgy when in truth he is afraid and alone… “The Atheist” who has read just enough Darwin to convince himself he is an expert , when in fact he knows that it takes more faith “NOT” to believe than “TO” believe because it will change everything if he gives in… All of which approach and attack me and my convictions with the combat ethics of a wild boar , but only after they finish blogging their “You must accept everything about me or your a hateful bigot blog”… but these aren’t even the worst.

The ones that really take my wind are the ones who are convinced that they are “Christians” – but in fact make hypocrites out of those of us who do earnestly seek God by making a mockery of his grace ..

..And I love all of them STILL – Because I BELIEVE HE LOVES ALL OF THEM STILL…

When Christ died , he did so for ALL – even those who spat in his face… Not so they could continue to do so – but so that someday ,something may be said or done that would change their heart… and the “Angry heart” may be silenced and the “Honest Heart “ may be heard…

But I cant convince anyone of anything – no one can. They must convince themselves..

And when they do , I will be here looking for them  –  because I “GO”…. because I Believe…. STILL.

The Invitation to Study the Bible is STILL open…  😉

Read Mathew 5:44 and Romans 12:14-21

December 12, 2001

Time is a perplexing thing. ..Created for us to use in our lives as a standard… It’s gauge to measure where we’ve been and how we did , as well as how we will do in where we are headed…We wake up every morning left with only the mental images of the days before,never realizing that in those moments our memories are being created right in front of us.. Time was given to us as a way of stamping these memories with a signature.. A signature much like the one in the title of this ..

Dates are the way that we signify the importance of a particular moment in time. The importance of these dates vary as much as they are many , although we do share plenty of mutually important dates as people. The reality is that each day has its own significance to us because each of us have our own lives and our own moments.. Our own time.. Our own signature.

I cant remember off the top of my head the date of the day I learned to ride a bike , or the day I dove off the diving board..I don’t remember my the date I learned to play an instrument. When I really think back , many of these great moments in my life – moments that sculpted me , and defined me – don’t have a date . Although they are as clear to me as yesterday – I don’t know the dates of these pivotal moments . Does that mean they have no importance?..Of course not. It means that I am defined by something MORE than these moments. Something MORE than things I have done. Something MORE than ME.

I remember clearly the date of the day I gave myself to my wife and became her husband.. and I remember clearly both of the dates of the day that I became a father ..I remember these days and dates because they required something of me. On these dates I was required to not only think of myself anymore , but to shift my focus and to the someone else s best interest’s above my become Selfless.. But if the act of selflessness is the thing that qualifies a a time signature , then there is one date above all.

On December 11, 2001 I had been studying the bible with a man who is now a dear friend . He ,myself and my wife had been studying together for about a month. On this day I was in an “undone state”. I was undone because of my selfishness.. I had broken vows to my marriage..and I had broken vows as a father… My addictions had taken over and I was  ,in fact – as broken as one could be…

I was a complete failure of a human being..

During our month long study I FOUGHT with ALL my might that there was no God and that this life was futile.. That there was no way possible that all of this had a meaning or that there was a bigger picture than we can see with our eyes..That IF there was a God  there is no way that he loved his creation enough to DIE for it  because there was NO WAY that I could be LOVED THAT MUCH …because after all I had done , I was completely unlovable..It seemed impossible.

So on December 11,2001 – I was still “undone”..

The next day I woke up with a different mind. I woke up thinking about the same thing I had the night before ..and the night before that and the night before that.. but for some reason on this day- It was different. I had been presented undeniable evidence and the desire to keep fighting it all of a sudden came to a halt.This desire to fight the truth was coming from a selfish place.. A place that had  not served me well by that point in my life and was going to keep me right where I was. I HAD to let that part of me go.. So for the next several hours ,for the first time ever  in MY life – I spoke to God.

I told him how tired I was , and that I was sorry for who I had become.. I told him that I was done with that life.. I wanted a new one.

  Within an hour , I once more gave myself to something MORE than me.. I gave myself to God in Baptism and left that part of me that had hurt so many that I loved – including myself – dead in the water…On December 12,2001 – God put his OWN signature on me.. and he now calls me SON… because I am loved THAT MUCH…

The roaring lion of selfishness and suddenly grown quiet and the silence of a clear conscience  was deafening.. In THAT moment I was no longer “Undone”..

This date IS my defining moment above all others…because in this moment a change began that continues still to this day . A change that has made every aspect of my life better , my relationships stronger and my responsibility greater…

You see I tell you all this ,  because I was told the truth and I listened …

It is my hope that if you haven’t listened to the truth , that you will… Because every passing moment is another opportunity to turn it all around..Today could just be the date that YOU remember above all others..

The invitation to study the bible is still open  😉

Read Ecclesiastes 3  and Hebrews 4:16


…”Never tell a man that he is sunburned – he knows“…

I don’t know anyone over a certain age that hasn’t experienced the stinging afterglow of a day well spent in the sun. We sometimes don’t realize that its gift is upon us until its way past the time to do anything about it , but make no mistake – we are ALWAYS fully aware once it has set in and need NO reminding of it… The ever present burn and tingle just below the skin is a more than adequate reminder of our oversight or carelessness … But trust – Someone is going to inform you at least once more , and you’ll be forced yet again to bite your tongue..

Don’t misunderstand me – Sometimes people don’t know that they are getting burned  ,like I said -we sometimes don’t realize its upon us and a kind word of warning could spare us unnecessary pain later.. But sadly most wont say anything because “they dont feel it’s their place”. These same people are usually the ones after the fact who have NO problem reciting the already painfully obvious -“uh , you have a sunburn!”…

Yup – thank you , where were you when I needed you ?..

My point is this – Most of us are PAINFULLY aware of our shortcomings ,our flaws and of course – our mistakes. These 3 live together in the culmination of our past  ,present and contribute to the shaping of our future . They , like a sunburn – reside just under the skin making them easily accessible and easily irritated .

Our flaws and shortcomings live in the front of the mind because we deal with them on a day to day basis. There is a constant battle between the acceptance of them , and the desire to correct or eliminate them . Never really knowing the victor of the day , we only have our past to use as a gauge to see if we are really “improving”…But our past is another battle altogether , and by making judgments about someone BECAUSE of their past -will keep them there in that moment and make the daily battle of progression a losing one..

Don’t judge for what they USED to do ,but rather make judgements about what they do NOW  – after all , if our past is forgiven , what say do you have in it?.. However , being present for someone in the “now” is where the difference could be made in this battle…

Coming to terms with who we “used to be” , “who we are” and “who we want to be” is more than daily battle – It’s a war fought over the course of a lifetime.

It’s a war that rages on the very fringes of your mind body and soul ..and at times as it takes it toll  – hopelessness sets in . During these times we find ourselves  exposed and vulnerable ,like a turtle on its back. Reverting back to “who we used to be” becomes more and more attractive as the uncomfortable waters of “who we want to be” have become too tumultuous to continue on . Caught in a moment of weakness – we jump ship only to find the decision to be one of those times where a kind word of warning would have been warmly welcomed as opposed to the current predicament… An after battling the hostile waves of a mistake to make our way back into the boat , pointing out that we have a Sunburn is NOT a welcomed nor appreciated observation.. Again , Where were you when I needed you ?

1 Thessalonians 5:1 saysThere for encourage one another and strengthen one another ,just as you are doing.”  – Is that too much to ask?

You never know what someone is going through  – so pay attention. A cry for help isn’t always a scream from the edge of a boat. Sometimes , its a subtle look from screaming eyes begging you to ask “what can I do?”…and in an instant , you could help prevent the oversight of a desperate soul by simply offering a kind word of warning or encouragement …

If you are a friend , it IS your place … Offer some shade .. or at a minimum – some SunScreen.

The Invitation to Study the Bible is STILL open..  😉

Read Psalm 86:7

My love for the Dying…

It sounds morbid , doesn’t it? It’s true though… I have a deep love for the dying. The truth is , that is all of us. We all are born with the same two  inevitable but  central issues to be concerned with – Life and Death….

Life was breathed into the first human being from the Almighty God himself (Genesis 2:7). To know that Adams first breath in was not his own , but the very breath of his creator should be an overwhelmingly vivid proof of the love and care that was given to us – and in turn , govern to a great degree how we live that life… But just as it was with the first human being , we go about our lives at times with no regard for anyone or anything other than ourselves and our selfish desires – much less a given thought to our Creator and his purpose for us.. And by this – we now all suffer the same consequence of our older brother Adam..

By disregarding the love shown to us first by our creator , WE DIE…

Death in this life is a direct consequence of sin , this is both undeniable and unavoidable. With death comes a myriad of thoughts, questions and rituals… but the most common reaction is sadness and mourning. These are the ways that we deal with death . They are a healthy part of the process of letting go… And although I have had plenty of opportunity to be sad and mourn for the loved ones I have lost in my life – it is not the dead that I mourn for the most… Its the living.

Jeremiah 22:10 says “Do not weep for the dead or mourn for him(the dead)But weep continually for the one who goes away; For he will never return Or see his native land”…  I weep and mourn NOT for those who die PHYSICALLY – but those who die SPIRITUALLY. I weep and mourn for those who live with the KNOWLEDGE of God and yet choose NOT to respond to his commands…. I weep for the ones who live for self and by doing so destroy the very first gift God EVER gave us – LIFE…

I weep and mourn for a world that chooses not to know the LOVE that was poured out on the cross for it and  so that ALL  may not taste ETERNAL DEATH – but ETERNAL LIFE.

This kind of mourning DEMANDS something from me… And so I respond.

In Mathew 28 starting in verse 18 it says “ And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them int the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”….

It doesn’t say “PREACHER GO” -it simply says”GO”… this implies ALL OF US. There is a lot in this passage that I could go on about – but my focus today is “GO”..

 So we GO. We go into a world that doesn’t want to hear this message ,because it infringes on its “desires” that so many have decided are it’s “right”s – May I remind us all , the only rights we are given is to LIVE and to DIE…Everything else is a “privilege” – don’t confuse the two..

All the while , we are reminded of our humanity – that we are flawed but beautiful creatures that God loved from the beginning enough to die for …in doing so we learn that to truly “Live” – we must “Die” to OURSELVES…

And in this process I have realized” My love for the Dying”..

To be witness to someone giving themselves over ,completely to God by submission to his will in full obedience to the Gospel is a knee buckling experience… Proving that Death is truly BEAUTIFUL.. because as you die to yourself in the watery grave of baptism , you are raised a new creature ..and in living for HIM – DEATH loses its grip on us and we truly ,truly begin TO LIVE.


The Invitation to Study the Bible is STILL open…  😉

Read Ephesians 4:17-24 and Colossians 3:5-11

The Simple Complexity of Good Intentions

The above title is an oxymoron If I have ever heard one – but an honest and true one it IS..

I want to believe with all of my strength that people always begin with the best intentions . Starting this way is simple because in good intentions there is truth and the truth is ALWAYS simpler than its counter part , DISHONESTY.  Somewhere along the way they get sidetracked.. Once off course ,frustration and stress set in and bring a host of problems driven by the nemesis of Truth –  and DISHONESTY begins to drive this already speeding locomotive …. A crash is inevitable and seems to be unavoidable as this speeding mess of complexity takes on a life of its own while you seem to be frozen, watching the whole thing unfurl right in front of you with your hands metaphorically are tied by helplessness…

Then it happens… and with what seems to be the velocity of a crashing jet plane , the whole things violently lands on you..

Caught up in what seems to be a hurricane , you find yourself helplessly thrown about until you finally it the ground , and then everything goes dangerously quiet…

Dread and fear of the consequences loom  above as you contemplate whats next… and that’s where you live until you can finally be freed of the burden that this mess you brought on yourself . You FEEL guilty because you ARE guilty –  and the only way out of this mess is going to be THROUGH it…

From beginning to end , this process takes its toll. Shame and guilt plague the soul and have a noticeable effect on you…all the while you are just looking for shelter.. for solace… for COMFORT. The funny thing about all 3 of those is that they cant be found anywhere else except YOURSELF through the TRUTH… So  you FESS UP..

The worst part is yet to come.. Once you have told the truth , once you have been forgiven and supposedly cleared your conscious  –  You then continue to punish yourself….WHY?

Have you not revealed the truth? Have you not asked for and received forgiveness? Have you not cleaned the slate?… If yes – WHY then do you continue to live in the aftermath of a mistake?

Because guilt is a powerful thing.

We live in a cynical and jaded world that loves it when you lose..and nobody loves it more than the one who helped you bring this mess to life ,and keeping you guilty is one of the ways he keeps his power over you…They say the road to hell is paved with GOOD INTENTIONS… you better believe it – the Devil does and asks for you BY NAME..

SO – if you have been forgiven by those you have wronged and more importantly been forgiven by GOD – the who are you NOT to FORGIVE YOURSELF??

For every second you wear your guilt around your neck like a MEDAL , you spit in Gods face and the forgiveness he has offered you – and in doing so allow the medal to become a weight around your neck that pulls you down the very road you never INTENDED to go down…

Take your guilt off ,set and own and LEAVE IT..


Keep your life simple – by keeping your intentions good –

The invitation to study the Bible is still open  😉

Read Romans 5:8


I want to be positive.. I really do. I try each day to make it my focus.. There is already SO much negativity that surrounds us and begs for our cultivation…It begs to be validated and justified..I don’t want to feed it..but it calls for me… It calls me BY NAME.

Negativity is a monster that preys on the light in us ..It preys on the good in us , and the purity in us..devouring all that we are CAPABLE of being and leaves us with what we are in danger of BECOMING – vacant and jaded soul-less shells  of what used to be full of grace and beauty  , and are now just full of spite and ugliness…

It and its hunger is INSATIABLE…and it calls me by name – DAILY.

But I resist… We all MUST resist.

There are a great many things that have recently occurred within our culture that have brought this monster out in FORCE.. Religion , Politics , Celebrity Tragedy etc.. All these are delivered  right into our homes by a biased media with agendas on BOTH sides ,and we welcome the monster in with open arms…


CNN doesn’t have the answers. Nor does Fox News , nor HLN or MSNBC. They feed us what they want us to eat and you choose which one based on your appetite..The truth  is , Conservative and Liberal agenda’s have muddied the waters of RIGHT and WRONG. They have made  it nearly IMPOSSIBLE to tell the difference by turning the clear water of TRUTH into stale gray waters of DOUBT, leaving  it up to how you “feel” about something to decide if its right or if its wrong by casting aside the ONLY real standard of truth – God and HIS words.

If we keep feeding this Monster of negativity,the very freedom that makes this country great , will also be our undoing…

1 Peter 5:8 says  “Be sober-minded; be WATCHFUL. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to DEVOUR… If you have ever seen a Lion hunt ,it doesn’t charge full speed ahead to attack -it creeps.. Quietly ,slowly and cautiously it methodically  sneaks up on its prey until he has it perfectly positioned making escape impossible f.. Then it POUNCES with unbridled aggression and sheer ferocity, utterly and completely devouring  it’s prey ..

The Lion is upon us people.. what are you prepared to do?

Should we listen to Men with corrupt agendas ? OR – do we listen to God? I say with all sincerity – Don’t listen to me either if you think I’m wrong!!!  Read the bible for YOURSELF..Don’t take my word for it , take HIS.

Negativity is the enemy’s strongest tool because it doesn’t bring attack from the outside , it brings it from within.. Don’t give him another moment of your life ..He wants you and calls for you by name , as he does the rest of us..

Whom will YOU listen to? Whom will YOU obey? Whom will YOU serve…?

“As for me and my house , we will serve THE LORD”– Joshua 24:15

The invitation to study the bible is still open…   😉

Read Mathew 6:24 ,Acts 6:27-32 and Joshua 24:15